Freedom Lawns USA
Freedom Lawns USA is a unique approach to professional lawn and plant care. Over 75 years experience in the professional lawn and plant care industry, Freedom Lawns support team is there for you every step of the way ! Unsurpassed marketing digital, and agronomic support.
Freedom Lawns has their own organic based product line which has been scientifically formulated for both cool and warm season Turfgrass and plant material ! We also offer 100% natural mosquito control services as well as many additional profits centers ! We offer nice discounts for existing service businesses.
Why Our Franchise?
Freedom Lawns offers the best value for future entrepreneurs wanting to diversify their existing service business or for folks new to the world of entrepreneurship! offering Low startup cost, A royalty incentive program, the latest in marketing strategies and a support staff that truly cares about the growth and profitability of everyone in our franchise family. A relationship with Freedom Lawns USA is truly a partnership!
General Information
- 1999
- Lawn and Plant Care Industry-Green Industry
- Green Business
- Freedom Lawns USA
- LinkedIn Facebook
- N/A
Franchise Information
- 2007
- 13
- Freedom Lawns USA Franchise
- Not Available
- Coastal Entreprenuer award for excellent service business and Pelican Award for sound environmental stewertship
- N/A
- Mark Tamn
Financial Requirements
- $70,000 plus
- $150,000
- $40,000
- $75,000-$80,000
Opportunity Benefits
- SBA approved franchise
- Yes
- Yes