From our customer service representatives to our lawn care technicians, every Nutri-Lawn team member is trained to become an expert in turf management. No matter your situation, they’ll work with you to provide professional advice to get your grass looking great!
After we service your property, our Custom Lawn Evaluation will arm you with everything you need to know about the condition of your lawn. This detailed report outlines what sort of grass and soil you have, whether or not you have weeds, insects, or lawn diseases present, and how you can improve your cultural practices, such as your mowing and watering techniques. At Nutri-Lawn, we know that the road to a healthy lawn is a two-way street, so we’ll be with you every step of the way to provide the tips you need to get there.
Why Our Franchise?
Now more than ever a Nutri-Lawn franchise puts you in control of your future with our experience, expertise and our on-going commitment to the innovation and delivery of the best ecology friendly products and practices. Nutri-Lawn led the industry in developing Ecology Friendly Lawn Care.
Our heritage is built into our brand. Our heritage, reputation, and customer service focus differentiates Nutri-Lawn from the competition in your territory. Our marketing and management systems will provide you with a long term competitive advantage. A Nutri-Lawn franchise is a business you can take pride in at the end of the day, knowing that your work for your satisfied clients has been done in an environmentally responsible way.
General Information
- 1985
- Home Services
- Landscaping
- Nutri-Lawn
- Twitter Facebook YouTube
- Not Available
Franchise Information
- 1985
- 50+
- Nutri-Lawn Franchise
- Not Available
- Unknown
- Not Available
- Dick Nelles
Financial Requirements
- $80,000
- $150,000
- $60,000
- $80,000 – $90,000
Opportunity Benefits
- Not Available
- Yes
- Not Available